We are constantly adding new themes to the app. You can explore them if you go to the main screen and tap Themes (the paint roller icon). You'll see there are many different themes and you can choose to edit a specific theme, create a new one, or use a random mix of themes.
To edit the current theme you're using, go to Themes and tap on the Edit button you'll see in the theme you currently have selected. You can personalise the font and the background you like.
To create a new theme, go to Themes and tap + New theme. You can personalise the font and the background you like.
You can select the themes you want to have displayed randomly if you tap the Random theme.
You can create and edit different widgets in the app if you go to Profile >Â Widgets. You can personalise them with the theme you like, the content you want to see, and the refresh frequency.
To use these widgets in your phone's home screen, please hold the widget until you see the menu and tap "Edit Widget." Select one of the preset custom widgets you've defined in the app.
Some fonts are not supported in other languages and will show up as "???" Please try changing the theme by tapping Themes (🖌paint roller) and changing to a new theme or editing the current theme to change the font.